Promise of the Wolves



Never consort with humans. Never kill a human unprovoked. Never allow a mixed-blood wolf to live.

At least that’s what the wolves of the Wide Valley believe. Until a young wolf dares to break the rules—and forever alters the relationship between wolves and the humans who share their world.

Born of a forbidden mixed-blood litter and an outcast after her mother is banished, Kaala is determined to earn a place in the Swift River pack. But her world is turned upside down when she saves a human girl from drowning. Risking expulsion from their pack and banishment from the Wide Valley, Kaala and her young packmates begin to hunt with the humans and thus discover the long-hidden bond between the two clans. But when war between wolves and humans threatens, Kaala learns the lies behind the wolf’s promise. Lies that force her to choose between safety for herself and her friends and the survival of her pack—and perhaps of all wolf- and humankind.


Set 14,000 years ago, Promise of the Wolves takes you to a land where time is counted in phases of the moon, distance is measured in wolflengths, and direction by the scent of the nearest trail. Join Kaala and her pack in an epic adventure of wolves, humans, and the remarkable bond we share.

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Secrets of the Wolves


The second installment in The Wolf Chronicles finds Kaala struggling with the consequences of forming the first mixed wolf-human pack.

Secrets of the Wolves finds the youngwolf Kaala entrusted with ensuring that the wolves and humans of the Wide Valley live together peacefully. If she succeeds, she’ll finally prove she’s worthy of her pack. If she fails, the Greatwolves who rule wolfkind will kill every wolf and human in the valley.

To prove peace is possible, Kaala must lead a group of wolves to live amongst humans—without anyone winding up dead. But the secret agenda of the Greatwolves, a rebellion planned by a rival pack, and threats to the human girl under Kaala’s protection make her task nearly impossible. And when Kaala’s long-missing mother calls to her with an urgent message, the choices Kaala makes may determine not only the fate of those in the Wide Valley, but of all wolf and humankind.

Set 14,000 years ago, The Wolf Chronicles trilogy is based on the scientific theory of wolf-human coevolution (the idea that wolves, and later dogs, helped make us the dominant species on the planet) and on the premise that if we can learn to love a creature other than ourselves, our species may yet have a chance to survive.

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Spirit of the Wolves


The final installment of The Wolf Chronicles.

Fourteen thousand years ago in southern Europe, young wolf Kaala discovers that she alone can unite wolves and humans, and must do so for survival of both species. In Promise of the Wolves and Secrets of the Wolves, Kaala came to understand her role. Born of a forbidden, mixed blood litter, and abandoned by her mother, Kaala struggled to earn her place in the Swift River pack. When she saved the life of a human girl, she put her hard-won acceptance at risk, and responsibility for keeping peace between wolf and humankind fell to her. She failed.

Now, in Spirit of the Wolves, Kaala has one last chance. She leaves her home in the Wide Valley with her young packmates, the human girl she loves, and an obnoxious raven. Together, they travel to the land beyond the valley to find her long-lost mother and a solution to the problem of the humans, only to discover that new challenges await them. Kaala’s mother has no answers, a faction of ruthless Greatwolves will stop at nothing to maintain control, odd little wolves seek to take Kaala’s place, and, in the mysterious village of Kaar, humans are undergoing a transformation that could destroy everything she is working for. Only by calling on all of her strength and on the bonds of love with her human, raven, and wolf companions can Kaala hope to succeed.

In this compelling conclusion to The Wolf Chronicles, Kaala must decide how far she is willing to go for peace…when every step she takes leads wolfkind and humankind toward war.

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