Help Wolves
Here are a just a few of the many organizations that help wolves. Check out the Wolf Links and Reading page for more.
The International Wolf Center advances the survival of wolf populations by teaching abut wolves, their relationship to wildlands and the human role in their future.
The Yellowstone Association and The Greater Yellowstone Coalition In 1995 and 1996 wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park, and wolf recovery has centered around this region ever since. These two organizations work to ensure that the wolves in the park and the Greater Yellowstone area thrive.
Rick McIntyre and the Wolf Education and Research Center
Rick McIntyre is the alpha dog of Yellowstone wolf observation and research. You don’t see Rick in the media or at a lot of events because each and every day he is in Yellowstone, observing and recording wolf behavior. Much of what conservationists and wolf advocates have been able to accomplish is due to the work Rick has done. Rick gets no government funding and his work is supported by people who want to help the Yellowstone wolves. To help Rick’s work, go online to the Yellowstone Park Foundation’s Wolf Conservation page or mail a check to Yellowstone Park Foundation: 222 East Main Street, Suite 301, Bozeman, MT 59715. Donations can be designated for Rick McIntyre or Yellowstone Wolf Education.
The Defenders of Wildlife Wolves are a priority for Defenders of Wildlife and they have a lot of great programs including a fund to reimburse ranchers for livestock killed by wolves, a citizen action program, and legal efforts to protect wolves.
More than 200,000 gray wolves once lived throughout the United States. Aggressive wildlife killing campaigns led to the eradication of wolves in the lower 48 states by the 1930s. Then, in 1974, gray wolves (along with red wolves) were among the first animals to receive protection under the Endangered Species Act. In 1995 and 1996 they were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park and Central Idaho. There are now an estimated 1300-1500 wolves in this area, and the Rocky Mountain wolf population is on its way to being one of the greatest wildlife recovery success stories. But the wolves are at risk once again.
What’s going on now?
There are people fighting hard to keep wolves safe, and people fighting just as hard to get rid of them. At the time I’m writing this, in July of 2009, a very important population of wolves will lose endangered species protection unless court challenges and citizen action are successful. It’s a fight that has been fought before and will have to be fought again. Here’s how it happened:
Wolves were completely eradicated in the Lower 48 states after a concentrated extermination program in the 1930s. Gray and red wolves were eventually placed under federal protection by the Endangered Species Act, and in 1995 and 1996 gray wolves were reintroduced in Yellowstone and central Idaho. On March 28, 2008, the federal government removed Endangered Species Act protection from the Northern Rocky Mountain gray wolf population, despite the fact that scientists do not consider their recovery complete, and in spite of the fact that state governments immediately started putting in place extremely aggressive wolf-killing programs. A coalition of nonprofit organizations filed a lawsuit to halt the delisting and was successful—for awhile. Now wolves are at risk of being delisted again. Under the delisting rule, as much as two-thirds of the current Northern Rockies wolf population can be killed—including pups and nursing mothers. The wolf conservationists are taking it back to court. Defenders of Wildlife, Earth Justice, and the National Resources Defense Council are leading the charge to protect these wolves. Check out their websites for more information and to learn what you can do to help.
Defenders of Wildlife
Natural Resources Defense Council
And the following organizations have joined the fight and could also use your support:
Center for Biological Diversity
The Humane Society of the United States
Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance
Sources: Defenders of Wildlife, National Resources Defense Council
The red wolf was extinct in the wild when the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service rounded up fewer than 20 pure red wolves to be bred in captivity in 1980. Now there are 100 wolves living in the wild, and about 200 living in captivity. Help the red wolf continue its return from extinction at:
Ok, it’s not a wolf, but it’s a cousin—a species of wild dog from Southern Asia—and it’s threatened with extinction. Because few people have heard of this highly social animal, it has not had as much support as has the wolf. If you’d like to help, visit the Dhole Home Page for more information.
Other places that help wolves
Check out the Wolf Links and Reading page for other organizations that help wolves.