Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Wolf Pages of my website! I will be adding lots of information about wolves, and their biology, behavior, evolution, and conservation as I have time. For now, here are a few wolf basics and some links to sites with some excellent information.

Disclaimer: I’ve gleaned this information from several sources (listed at the end of these questions). Where researchers offer differing opinions on things like how far wolves travel or size of wolves and the like, I’ve either included a range or just averaged out the different estimates, depending entirely on my whim at the time.

Sources: Wolves: Biology, Ecology and Conservation, edited by L. David Mech and Luigi Boitani, The Wolf: The Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species, by L. David Mech, The Wolf Almanac, by Robert H. Busch, The Way of the Wolf, by L. David Mech, The Mind of the Raven, by Bernd Heinrich, The International Wolf Center, Defenders of Wildlife, Wolf Park.